Pictured above, is me sitting on the dike in Aniak. My friend Janell and I were taking several pictures in June. We both wanted to try take pictures that were different than the ones we usually take so we went for a walk. I told her that I wanted pictures to remember before she left for schooling down in Mt. Edgecumbe. We both found several places to have pictures taken. We were both walking along the dike and the sun was beginning to set.
She told me to sit down on this spot and she would take my picture. I wanted the first picture deleted because I blinked my eyes, haha. After she took my picture, we traded and I took her picture. We both loved the lighting and thought it was awesome. After we took these pictures, we continued walking toward the FAA buildings. Harvey drove by and offered to bring us for a quick ride. We went to the high school playground and Agnes came over. We took even more pictures there. When we returned to my house, the first thing we did was post these on our Myspace pages.
This picture was one of my favorites. I liked the color effects (black and white) and the trees in the background. I like how it looks like I'm deep in thought and found a cozy little spot to get things off my mind. Personally, I love to take pictures and taking pictures outdoors (like this one) is fun and different. I miss taking pictures with Janell. I can't wait until she comes for Christmas break so that we can take some. hehe :P
cool picture, thanks for your post!
I are had remembered that one day... It be before I went to Kotzebue!.... LOL!
I miss Janell!
gaw gena gaw
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